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mirror image 【物理學】鏡像;鏡中人;鏡中物。

mirror writing

This means that within a san , users can backup or archive data from different servers to the same storage system ; allow stored information to be accessed by all servers ; create and store a mirror image of data as it is created ; and share data between different environments 這意味著在san中,用戶可以把不同服務器上的數據備份或歸檔到同一存儲系統上,允許儲存的信息為所有服務器所自取,當數據生成時建立和儲存數據的鏡像圖,以及在不同的環境之間共享數據。

China has seemed a mirror image of the developed world in recent weeks , with a soaring local stock market attaining record highs and a central bank draining liquidity from the financial system while their offshore counterparts deliver emergency injections of cash 在最近幾周當中,中國就如同發達國家的映像一樣:強勁的國內股票市場不斷創出新高,央行從金融系統中抽出流動性而那些海外的央行卻緊急的向系統中輸入流動性。

So the processor now subtracts one signal from the other ? that is , it inverts the signal from the north ( or south ) antenna , turning wave peaks into wave troughs and vice versa , and adds this mirror image to the signal from the south ( or north ) antenna 所以,處理器現在把訊號相減,也就是把來自北方(或南方)天線的訊號反相,讓波峰變成波谷,波谷變成波峰,然后把這個反相的訊號與來自南方(或北方)天線的訊號相加。

Now we duplicate this layer , rotate it so we have a mirror image along the horizon and align the two ends together , bring back the layer we hid away earlier and place it in the middle , your out come should look like the following 現在,我們復制這個層,然后沿水平線旋轉做鏡面成像,接著使水平線上下的兩部分排列在一起,然后找出早先隱藏起來的那個層,把它放在中間,你的結果就會和下面的圖像一致。

The electromagnetic fields components of the te wave mode of a half - round waveguide are obtained theoretically , by using the conclusions of the rectangle and the circular waveguide , the superposition method and the mirror image method etc 摘要利用矩形波導和圓形波導的結論,并結合疊加法和鏡象法等工具,從理論上分析給出半圓形波導的te波模型的電磁場分量。

And so , among the pleasures of learning , we should include travel : travel with an open mind , an alert eye and a wish to understand other peoples , other places , rather than looking in them for a mirror image of oneself 所以,學習的樂趣應當包括旅行? ?帶著開放的心態、敏銳的眼睛和渴望了解他人或異地的心情上路,而不是指望從他人或異地中找到自己的影子。

By contrast , the perforated operator takes the physical stuff of film itself the sprocketed filmstrip as its stimulus . finally , doublehilaris celebrates mirror images , where once again the filmmaker becomes character , creator and deconstructor of texts 在《被打孔的操作員》中,治奧利找到百代( pathe )的9 . 5底片的輪孔有別一般,藉此孔刺探天與地。

Concretely analysized some narrative rhetoric technology such as rhetoric of mirror image , narrating causality , this paper shows that narrative rhetoric always serves the ideology orientation of the works by every possible means 本文通過對鏡像修辭、敘事因果關系等敘事修辭手段的具體分析,表明敘事修辭總是千方百計地維護著作品的意識形態取向。

There are several larger groups , including the sun yee on , wo shing wo and 14k , which are syndicates of sophisticated criminals , mirror images of such similar western empires of crime as the mafia 其馀有數個較大組織,包括新義安、和勝和及十四k ,它們是由老練的匪徒組成的犯罪集團,其形式與黑手黨等西方犯罪集團相似。

Besides in nature , it is ray tracing based on the method mirror image . so it need not receive test , have higher computational efficiency and assure higher precision 另外,從本質上講,它是一種基于鏡像理論的點對點的射線跟蹤法,所以無須進行接收測試,因此有較高的計算效率,并且保證了較高的精度。

Power equipments are connected to earth to ensure the safely of equipments and engineers . mirror image method can be a effective to calculate the earth resistance and step voltage 摘要將電力設備的某些部分接地,是為了設備與操作人員的安全,本文應用鏡像法對此進行了一些具體的分析計算。

Radial symmetry the arrangement of parts in an organism in such a way that cutting in any plane across the diameter splits the structure into similar halves ( mirror images ) 輻射對稱:生物體各部分的一種排列方式,指沿著中軸的任何平面將生物體分開,所產生的兩個部分都是對稱的(鏡像) 。

These were purified and stuffed with a form of hiv that had been altered to carry a mirror image or “ antisense ” version of a molecule that enables it to multiply 這些t助細胞經過純化,并被注入一種改造過的,帶有與原有的控制增殖的分子互為鏡像或者說是'反義'的分子。

But it ' s an inescapable fact that the seasons have played , for the most part , into mirror images , with the yankees struggling and the red sox dominating in the american league east 球季開打至今,不論從任何層面來看,洋基一直打的很辛苦,而紅襪則在美聯東區遙遙領先。

All three pachyderms sized up their mirror images by inspecting behind the mirror , probing their mouths with their trunks to see if their reflections did the same 所有這三只皮糙肉厚的家伙都會查看鏡子的后面,將鼻子伸入口中觀察鏡子中的影像是否會做同樣的事。

This fashion of writing which takes “ language “ as the passage and “ mirror image “ as the basis faces a dilemma in the modern context of culture 這種以“語言”為通道,以“鏡像理論”為基礎的女性寫作在現時態文化語境中面臨兩難處境。

This manual lives at mit and in mirror images all over the web you probably also have it already installed on your box 這本手冊是由麻省理工學院編寫并維護的,它的鏡像已經遍布整個web (也許您已經將它安裝到了自己的機器上) 。

Mirror images not only reflect the realities of the body in its present form , but remind women of what they looked like in the past 因為鏡子不僅真實地映射了她們目前的身材,也時刻提醒著這些婦女她們過去是什麼樣子。

The electric potential of a line charge inside a thin cylindrical conductor is calculated by conformal mapping and mirror image method 摘要利用保角變換和電象法,分別得出均勻帶電線與接地薄導體圓筒內的電勢。